Friday Challenge Answers: Year over Year Chart Comparisons
Thanks for the submissions for the Friday Challenge.
You can get the sample data and chart request here: friday-challenge-help-new-to-excel-yoy-comparisons
Here are some other submissions:
A) In the...
Friday Challenge: Help! New to Excel! YOY Comparisons
Luckily I was able to help this user, but I think that we can even do more. Here was the original request:
"Help Please! I’m...
How-to Visualize 17000 Data Points of Upload and Download Times
In the last Friday Challenge, I presented you with 17,000+ data points representing 2 days of network data usage.
With so many data points, it...
Friday Challenge: What Charts Would You Make?
This Friday Challenge involves Network Data Usage. You will find over 17,000 data points representing 2 days of network data usage in the linked file.
Excel Stacked Area Time Chart – Friday Challenge Answer
In our recent Friday Challenge, a user asked this:
"This is a scatter with smooth line and markers graph. What I would like to have...
Friday Challenge – The Right Graph Style For What I Want to do
A newer Excel Chart creator had this question:
"This is a scatter with smooth line and markers graph. What I would like to have displayed,...
Friday Challenge – Allocation Formulas
Today I have 2 formula challenges that you may find interesting. They are both different types of allocation formulas.
Challenge 1:
Problem: You have 9 tasks...
Create a Excel Gantt Chart to Display a Music Festival Band Schedule
Here is Pete's answer to the recent Music Festival Schedule Challenge.
In this video, see how he used Index/Match functions as well as a helper...
Don’s Macro Enabled Friday Challenge Answer – Music Festival Schedule Excel Chart
In our last Friday Challenge, we wanted to see if you can make a Music Festival Schedule in an Excel Chart.
There were 2 questions. ...
Friday Challenge – Create a Chart to Display a Music Festival Schedule
Here is an interesting question that I saw and I thought I would present it as the next in the series of Friday Challenges.