
Friday Challenge Answer – Dynamic Excel Chart Using Checkboxes for Multi Year by Month...

A big shout out to Pete who submitted this answer to my last Friday Challenge. You can check out the challenge here: Friday-challenge-excel-mutli-year-graph-by-month Check out the video...

Friday Challenge Answer – Using Excel Slicers to Create Dynamic Charts

A big thanks to Don for submitting the first response to last week’s Friday Challenge.   You can check out the challenge here: Friday Challenge – Excel...

Friday Challenge – Excel Mutli-year Graph by Month

For this Friday's challenge, lets see how we can help this user visualize this data set.  Here was the Excel user's question:   "Mutli-year graph by...

Friday Challenge: Excel Step Chart Automation

Yesterday, I posted the a demonstration on how to make a Step Chart in Excel. You can check out that post here: How-to Easily Create a...

Friday Challenge – Analyzing Attendance Records with Six Sigma Charts

The following is a guest post from Pete on his answer to the most recent Friday Challenge. Pete applied his knowledge of Six Sigma to...

Analyzing Attendance Records with Charts and Trend Line with Sparklines

A big shout out to Don who sent in this solution to last week’s Friday Challenge: Analyzing Attendance Records with Charts and Trend Line. ...

Friday Challenge – Analyzing Attendance Records with Charts and Trend Line

For this Friday Challenge, lets see if we can help this user with their data. Read it over, but really, the last line of the...

Friday Challenge – Showing More Categories in an Excel Chart

Can you help Kevin with his problem? Kevin saw this article: How-to Add a Line to an Excel Chart Data Table and Not to the Excel...

How-to Close the Gaps Between Chart Series in an Excel Stacked Clustered Column Chart

Many users like to create a chart that Excel doesn’t have as a chart type.  It is a combination of a clustered column and...

Friday Challenge – Part 2 Removing Gaps from a Clustered Column Chart

Okay Excel Fans, in a previous challenge, we had a problem that we solved for a specific data set.  We wanted to remove white...
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