
The Quickest Way to Select an Data Series in an Excel Chart

In a previous post, I showed you how to get around a frustration that many Excel users have when creating an Excel Dashboard chart. ...

How-to Make a Picklist Change the Chart Type for a Dynamic Excel Dashboard

Have you ever wanted to create a graph but then let users dynamically change the Excel chart type with a drop down pick list? ...

Getting to Know Excel Text Fuctions and Functions

Frequently I have to take other data sets and make sense of them.  Sometimes there is very little sense of the data, but every...

Soap Story Dashboard

I am traveling about 100% of the time for my current job.  So I spend many more nights in a hotel room than my...

How-to Make an United States Flag Excel Chart (Happy 4th of July)

Happy July 4th (United States Independence Day). I am home and not working too much this holiday, but wanted to send out a post on...

How-to Create and Copy a Table in Google Mail (Gmail) from Excel

On a recent project of mine, I tasked a team member with creating a communication to send out to users.  This communication involved making...

How-to Make a Non-Chart Excel Dashboard Chart (Heat Index)

So I saw this chart in an Excel forum and a user was asking this: “chart - not sure about this one I've created a...

How-to Create a Sick Leave Excel Dashboard Chart

Okay, I got an email from a SUPER FAN of my sight.  She even donated some money to help cover the costs of that...

How-to Make a WSJ Excel Pie Chart with Labels Both Inside and Outside

I thought it was a in last week’s USA Today, but looking at the picture I took more closely, it may have been produced...

How-to Add Label Leader Lines to an Excel Pie Chart

This a an awesome technique to make your pie charts stand out in your Excel dashboard.  However, I didn’t know about it for the...
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