SEO Performance Charts – Don’s Solutions
Sorry it has been a few days since my last post, but I have a lot that has been going on with new projects...
How-to Make a Dynamic Hotel Ballroom Occupancy Chart
In a previous Friday’s challenge, I presented the following user request.
Here was the question again and what you would have seen in the download...
How-to Make a Pass Fail Chart in Excel
Last week, I posed a Friday Challenge that was posted in a Q&A for Excel. Here it is:
Plotting a line graph to track build...
Dynamically Change Excel Bubble Chart Colors
In last week’s Challenge, I posted a question from an Excel User Forum that asked the following:
“I've used Excel 2010 to create a bubble...
How-to Show Gaps in a Line Chart When Using the Excel NA() Function
In last Friday’s challenge, we had a Excel Analyst that needed to remove outliers from his Excel Line Chart. In essence, he wanted to...
How-to Eliminate Statistical Outliers in an Excel Line Chart
Okay, I posted this Excel Chart Challenge on Friday. How did you do? I am sure your solution is better than mine. This was...
How-to Easily Create a Stacked Clustered Column Chart in Excel
Create a Stacked Clustered Column Chart in Excel
There is one type of chart that is always requested, however, Excel doesn’t offer this type of...