How-to Format Chart Axis for Thousands or Millions
Here is a great way to make your Dashboard Charts in Excel more appealing and your boss will love you and your friends will...
How-to Make Excel STOP Selecting Range/Extending Range
While building your Excel Dashboard Templates, have you had the frustrating problem where Excel keeps highlighting a range of cells as you click on...
Excel Line Break/Hard Return within a Cell
Most people don't know that you can put a Hard Return (Line Break) within a cell because when they hit enter Excel takes them to...
How-to Hide a Zero Pie Chart Slice or Stacked Column Chart Section
Okay, we have learned lots of different techniques to build our Company Executive Dashboard using Excel, and today I will give you a taste...
How-to Make a Dynamic Chart Using Offset Formula
In previous posts I have described how to make a Dynamic Chart in Excel for your Dashboard using Tables. This is a very easy...
Step-by-Step Horizontal Bar Chart with Vertical Lines Tutorial
In a recent request for help in the MrExcel Forums, a user was having difficulties adding Vertical Line KPI Metrics to a Horizontal Bar...
Group Column Chart with Lines for Excel Dashboard Presentations
Yesterday a user in the Forums asked how he could make a Column Chart in Excel and then Group those Columns with a...
How-to Draw a Vertical and Horizontal Line that Intersect in an Excel Chart
Recently a user in the Mr. Excel Forum a member wanted to know how they could make an Excel Chart where one Metric was...
This is the Bomb: or How I came to love the Offset function
Wouldn’t that be awesome if Excel can just change my chart every month or week when I add more data? This can happen for...
How-to Make Dynamic Excel Dashboard Charts Using Tables
For almost every Excel Dashboard you will want to make a Chart template Dynamic. Meaning that as you add new data, the chart updates...