How-to Make a Pass Fail Chart in Excel
Last week, I posed a Friday Challenge that was posted in a Q&A for Excel. Here it is:
Plotting a line graph to track build...
How-to Show Gaps in a Line Chart When Using the Excel NA() Function
In last Friday’s challenge, we had a Excel Analyst that needed to remove outliers from his Excel Line Chart. In essence, he wanted to...
How-to Eliminate Statistical Outliers in an Excel Line Chart
Okay, I posted this Excel Chart Challenge on Friday. How did you do? I am sure your solution is better than mine. This was...
Friday Challenge – Eliminating outliers in and Excel Chart
Okay, apologies again . I have been so swamped with my Go-Live project this week that I have been too tired to finish the...
How-to Make a Picklist Change the Chart Type for a Dynamic Excel Dashboard
Have you ever wanted to create a graph but then let users dynamically change the Excel chart type with a drop down pick list? ...
How-to Create a Sick Leave Excel Dashboard Chart
Okay, I got an email from a SUPER FAN of my sight. She even donated some money to help cover the costs of that...
How-to Add a Line to an Excel Chart Data Table and Not to the...
Many people making Excel charts love to add a Chart Data Table to their graph. However, the Excel Data Tables are not very flexible...
Excel Line Charts Using a Date Axis
Not sure if you knew this or not, but Excel is amazing!
The makers of Microsoft Excel even went so far as to make sure...
How-to Create a Dynamic Banding on an Excel Line Chart
This dynamic shading or banding chart is frequently used in science and in Company Dashboards. It allows the user to quickly see if their...
How-to Connect Gaps in a Line Chart in Excel
When you are build your Excel Dashboard Template charts, you may find that some of your data is not complete. For instance, you may...