How-to Setup Your Excel Data for a Stacked Column Chart with a Secondary Axis
Many users have mixed reactions about this secondary axis overlap fix. You can see the post here:
Stop Excel From Overlapping the Columns When Moving...
How-to Add a Hard Return to an Excel Concatenate Formula
Like most Excel users, one of the first formulas that you ever learned to master was the Concatenate Function.
But how do you add other...
How-to Group and Categorize Excel Chart Legend Entries
If you have a chart with Legends, then you should check out this tutorial.
Recently when working on a solution for a fan, I noticed...
How-to Unprotect an Excel Worksheet If You Forgot the Passcode
Several years ago, I created an Excel workbook and I "Protected" a worksheet, but, I forgot the passcode the next day. Try and try,...
How-To Make a Dynamic Excel Scroll Bar Chart Part 2
Wow, it has been over 2 years. I am so sorry if you have been waiting all this time. Probably not, but I will finish...
How-to Visualize 17000 Data Points of Upload and Download Times
In the last Friday Challenge, I presented you with 17,000+ data points representing 2 days of network data usage.
With so many data points, it...
How-to Add Lines in an Excel Clustered Stacked Column Chart
I have posted several Excel chart samples related to Clustered Stacked Column Charts.
In case you missed them, you can check them out here: Excel...
How-to Add a Grand Total Line on an Excel Stacked Column Pivot Chart
Today I answer a viewer question. "How do I add a cumulative grand total amount as a line above a stacked column pivot chart...
How-to Easily Hide Zero and Blank Values from an Excel Pie Chart Legend
If you have ever used a Pie Chart in Excel, then you probably ran into this need.
The need to hide Pie Chart Legend entries...
How-to Make a Thermometer Goal Chart in Excel
How-to Make a Thermometer Goal Chart in Excel
A friend and co-worker asked me if I had a tutorial on a building a Thermometer Goal...