How-to Add a Shape to a PowerPoint Table and Make it Move and Size...
As a project manager or business analyst, we are often called upon to create dashboard type views in status reports for Executives.
Typically, company executives...
Copy Paste vs Fill Handle Copy with Tables References in an Excel formula
In this recent post:
Friday Challenge Answers – Cumulative Events Over Time
I created a formula that referenced a table. As I created my video I...
Friday Challenge Answers – Cumulative Events Over Time
In our recent Friday Challenge,
Friday Challenge – Creating an Excel Graph of Cumulative Events Over Time
where a user wanted the following:
Creating a graph of...
How-to Quickly Get Excel Function Help Plus a Bonus Tip
In a recent post, I was exploring Excel AverageIF and other Average functions and I realized that I don’t know that much about the...
How-to Add a Rupee Symbol or a Music Note or a Chess Piece to...
A reader, Matt, after reading this post:
How-to Format Chart Axis for Thousands or Millions
And had the following question:
“How do you use this formula without...
Touch vs Mouse Mode in Excel
With all the new affordable touch screen computers out there, you may have purchased one. However, if you are like me, you may have...
How-to AverageIf Excluding Zeros and Blanks for Non-Contiguous Ranges in Excel
In our last Friday Challenge, I asked you figure out a way to calculate an average for a non-contiguous (non-adjacent) range that will exclude...
How-to Make a Dynamic Excel Pie Chart with 4 steps in less than 4...
This is an awesome guest post from our great friend Pete. He came up with this awesome technique to make a dynamic pie chart...
How-to Make an Excel Chart Go Up with Negative Values
In a follow-up to my recent Terrible Chart Tuesday, I wanted to show you 2 different techniques that you can use to create a...
How-to Mimic a Newspaper Chart Line Style in Excel
In the recent post: Friday Challenge – Mimic Newspaper Chart Line Style in Excel we wondered if it was possible to recreate this Chart...