Well, looks like the last Friday Excel Chart Challenge inspired people to get cracking and creative.
1) Don “Nailed it”. That is a direct quote I think I think since it was a Double Lollipop challenge, I think he should have said “Put a Stick in it”. Get it? Lollipop Stick? No….
2) Leonid came up with two ways to recreate the double lollipop Excel chart. One using High-Low Lines and one using Error Bars. Great job Leonid. And he added a complete picture tutorial. Thanks Leonid!!!
You can check it out here: Recreate-this-Excel-Chart-by-Leonid.xlsx
3) The other awesome chart that was submitted was by Peter. He took the concept to whole other level. He created a Double Helix DNA Strand Chart Type. I think it looks AWESOME!!!
Here is what his final chart looks like:
You can download the file and check it out here: Double-Helix-by-Peter.xlsx
If you want to learn how to make your own Double Helix Excel Chart, check out this post:
How-to Make a Wall Street Journal (WSJ) Double Lollipop Chart in Excel
Awesome job Peter. Looks way cool and way to think outside of the lollipop.
Thanks all.