Tag: Challenge
Friday Challenge – Recreate this WSJ Chart
I thought I would give you all something to do before we finish the final posting on Excel Chart Sheets.
So I have been traveling...
Class Exam Grade Excel Chart Using Slicers and a Pivot Table
Here is Don’s amazing reply to the recent Friday challenge.In this example, Don has elevated his Excel Slicer Pivot Charting to a whole new...
Friday Challenge – Which Chart is suitable?
I am so glad it is Friday, aren’t you? There is no right answer to today’s challenge. So make sure you leave me a...
How-to Make an Excel PickList Chart for Multi Years by Month
Here is my response to the recent Friday Challenge on Creating a Chart for Multi Years by Month.
You can read more about the original...
Friday Challenge Challenge – Excel Chart using Picklist for a Multi Year Graph by...
Hi ExcelDashboardTemplate Fans!Today is a challenge on a challenge.Previously I posted a data set that and asked you to create your own chart of...
Friday Challenge Answer – Dynamic Excel Chart Using Checkboxes for Multi Year by Month...
A big shout out to Pete who submitted this answer to my last Friday Challenge.
You can check out the challenge here:
Check out the video...
Friday Challenge Answer – Using Excel Slicers to Create Dynamic Charts
A big thanks to Don for submitting the first response to last week’s Friday Challenge.
You can check out the challenge here:
Friday Challenge – Excel...
Friday Challenge – Excel Mutli-year Graph by Month
For this Friday's challenge, lets see how we can help this user visualize this data set. Here was the Excel user's question:
"Mutli-year graph by...
Friday Challenge: Excel Step Chart Automation
Yesterday, I posted the a demonstration on how to make a Step Chart in Excel.
You can check out that post here:
How-to Easily Create a...
Analyzing Attendance Records with Charts and Trend Line with Sparklines
A big shout out to Don who sent in this solution to last week’s Friday Challenge: Analyzing Attendance Records with Charts and Trend Line. ...