Tag: Combination Chart
How-to Create a New York Times Tiger Woods Chart in Excel
In a past article, I posted 2 different ways to make a chart that appeared in the New York Times. Here is the chart...
Dashboard Chart of Tiger Wood’s Money Ranking List and Golf Earnings
With the upcoming Open Championship (also known as the British Open) in Royal Lytham & St. Annes Golf Club, I wanted to see how...
3 Ways to Create Vertical Lines in an Excel Line Chart
Sorry I have been swamped on a new project in Australia and Singapore so my posts have been less frequent than I wish. We...
How-to Show Decades and Highlight a Year in the Horizontal Axis
Recently in an Excel Forum, a user had data similar to this format:
Here is what he wanted to do:
How do I set the Horizontal...
Tips and Tricks – Longer Legend Color Bars in Excel Charts
Here is a real quick tip that you may want to learn when using Excel. This tutorial will help you apply this technique to...
Free Dashboard Template Download – BMI Weight Tracker
In this ever expanding universe, so is my belt. I need to drop more than a few pounds.
Now I can use an Excel Dashboard...
Tiger Woods PGA Tour and Major Championship Chart
I am a fan of the PGA and Tiger Woods. So I was really excited when I saw this post from Paresh Shah of...