Tag: Excel Chart
The Absolute Quickest Ways to Make a New Chart in an Excel Spreadsheet
When creating my Microsoft Excel Dashboard Templates, I frequently create a chart to see how it would look and I don’t always keep them. ...
Dashboard Chart of Tiger Wood’s Money Ranking List and Golf Earnings
With the upcoming Open Championship (also known as the British Open) in Royal Lytham & St. Annes Golf Club, I wanted to see how...
3 Ways to Create Vertical Lines in an Excel Line Chart
Sorry I have been swamped on a new project in Australia and Singapore so my posts have been less frequent than I wish. We...
How-to Put Percentage Labels on Top of a Stacked Column Chart
There are times when you are creating your Excel Dashboard Design that you desire something that does not come naturally with the Excel Tools...
FUN Chart (Happy Mother’s Day!)
Recently I showed you one way that you can make Vertical Categories in an Excel Chart. (see How-to Make Categories for Vertical and Horizontal...
Case Study: Executive Dashboard Chart Creation – Follow-up
The Problem
In a recent post:
“Case Study: Executive Dashboard Chart Creation” (https://www.exceldashboardtemplates.com/?p=1612)
I presented some basic data that you may have in your company that you...
Make a Pie Chart Rating for Excel Dashboard Chart Templates
In a recent forum post, a dashboard user was asking how they can turn a decimal like 1.5 out of a 3.0 possible into...
Charting Specifications and Limits for Excel 2003, 2007 and 2010
Have you ever wondered how many data series you can actually add to an Excel chart? Well there are limits. Recently an Excel Client...
How-to Highlight or Color Rings in an Excel Radar Chart
Recently a user in an Excel Forum wanted to know if there was any way to highlight or color the outside ring of an...
How-to Make a Company Goal Chart or IPAD Battery Chart in Excel
I was looking at my IPod Touch and I really liked the battery graphic that is shown. Then I looked at my IPhone and...