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New Chart Label Leader Lines Available in Excel 2013

Did you know that you can now add Leader Lines to your Excel Charts in Excel 2013?  I didn't know this until just recently. ...

How-to Create a Dynamic Excel Pivot Table Dashboard Chart

In my last 2 posts: I showed you how to setup your data in preparation for creating a dynamic dashboard chart Part 1: think-like-a-database-designer-before-creating-an-excel-dashboard-chart And then I...

How-to Insert Slicers into an Excel Pivot Table

In my last post, Think-like-a-database-designer-before-creating-an-excel-dashboard-chart we described the best way to configure your data to easily create your next dashboard. In this post, we explore the...

Friday Challenge: What is your answer vs. Excel?

There is a Facebook post going around and I thought it would be a fun Friday Challenge edition.   What is your answer to this this...

Think Like a Database Designer Before Creating an Excel Dashboard Chart

Recently, a fan asked for some help.  However, when I got their file, I saw that they needed some help with basic concepts, so...

Better Formulas for Pipeline Matching Stacked Bar Chart Colors to Products without VBA Solution

Hands off to Leonid :) for this awesome solution with much Much BETTER formulas for a recent Friday Challenge. Here was the original Challenge: friday-challenge-pipeline-usage-chart   Here was...

How-to Quickly Find and Jump to the Right Worksheet Tab in Your Excel Workbook

As Excel users, we may create a spreadsheet with many many many worksheets (tabs at the bottom) within the workbook.  However, if you create...

How-to Create a Time Data Series Step Chart in Excel

In our recent Friday challenge, we were asked by Anna how can we make our popular Excel Step Chart work for data that is...

Friday Challenge – Step Chart for an Excel Time Series

I was recently asked for assistance with this request: Hi Steve, I am trying to make a hypnogram with data that we collected over the course...

Petes Stumped Chart Challenge Answer – Pivot Chart with Slicers

In the last Friday Challenge, we were going to see if we could help a user create a chart from this data set.  They...
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