Tag: Graph
How-to Easily Add Task Information to Excel 2016 Gantt Charts
Easily Add Task Information to Excel 2016 Gantt Charts
Excel 2013 and Excel 2016 make this need so much easier. Thanks Excel! I recently posted...
Stop Excel Overlapping Columns on Second Axis for 3 Series
We have learned how to Stop Excel Overlapping Columns in a few posts on the site. A reader had a follow-up question that I...
Friday Challenge Answers – Cumulative Events Over Time
In our recent Friday Challenge,
Friday Challenge – Creating an Excel Graph of Cumulative Events Over Time
where a user wanted the following:
Creating a graph of...
Friday Challenge – Creating an Excel Graph of Cumulative Events Over Time
Here is a Friday Challenge that a lot of Excel users may run into.
Essentially, you are given a date and incident type that occurred...
How-to Add a Rupee Symbol or a Music Note or a Chess Piece to...
A reader, Matt, after reading this post:
How-to Format Chart Axis for Thousands or Millions
And had the following question:
“How do you use this formula without...
How-to Make an Excel Clustered Stacked Column Chart with Different Colors by Stack
In a popular post, I showed you how to easily create a Clustered Stacked Column chart in Excel using Multi-Level Category Axis options.
Here is...
Friday Challenge – How Would You Chart It?
Today the ExcelDashboardTemplate.com Friday Challenge is up to you and your wildest imagination.
An Excel chart newbie posted this data set and wasn’t sure the...
How-to Make a BETTER Excel Sales Pipeline or Sales Funnel Chart
Learn how to make an accurate sales pipeline in Excel. In previous posts, I have showed you how to make a sales funnel chart...
Chart Increase at Time Interval in Excel
Here is my answer to the most recent Friday Challenge. Would welcome any comments below on what you think (flaws, likes, thoughts…)
In case you...
Friday Challenge – Graph Increase at Time Interval
Hi All, I have been traveling and very, very sick this week. I am coughing almost every minute or so. Therefore, I was unable to...