Tag: Tips and Tricks
How-to Make an Excel Death Star Pie Chart
While fooling around with Excel, I wondered if I could make an Excel chart look like a the Star Wars Death Star. Well, I...
How-to Easily Create a Stacked Clustered Column Chart in Excel
Create a Stacked Clustered Column Chart in Excel
There is one type of chart that is always requested, however, Excel doesn’t offer this type of...
How-to Add a Line to an Excel Chart Data Table and Not to the...
Many people making Excel charts love to add a Chart Data Table to their graph. However, the Excel Data Tables are not very flexible...
Excel Line Charts Using a Date Axis
Not sure if you knew this or not, but Excel is amazing!
The makers of Microsoft Excel even went so far as to make sure...
Problems Creating an Excel Open-High-Low-Close (Candle Stick) Stock Chart
Every time and I mean EVERY TIME that I go to create a Candle Stick Stock Chart in Excel (otherwise known as an Open-High-Low-Close...
How-to Make a Basic Gantt Chart in an Excel Chart in 7 Easy Steps
Project Managers and Executives love Gantt Charts. They also love Microsoft Excel, Charts and Graphs. So it is a natural to consider how you...
How-to Show an Apostrophe at the Beginning of a Text String in Excel
I saw that an Excel user was having a problem when creating his VBA code and you may run into this problem when you...
How-to Make Longer Legend Color Bars in an Excel Chart Video Tutorial
Most Excel 2D Column Charts have small color boxes in the legend to point you to the right series in the graph. However, this...
How-to Make an Excel Area Chart Cliff (Fiscal Cliff Edition)
So all the US news agencies keep talking about the Fiscal Cliff. This reminded me of a problem that many people have when making...
The Tricks to Writing a Conditional Formatting Rule Formula
When you build your Excel Dashboard, you will frequently want to use Conditional Formatting to create color callouts and other table based dashboard components. ...